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With deep regret we communicate the loss of Dr. Alejandra Rabadán

Writer's picture: SNOLASNOLA

With deep regret we communicate the loss of Dr. Alejandra Rabadán, Chair of Neurosurgery in the next SNOLA congress.

Her academic and professional paths are marked by tireless dedication and admirable competence.

Doctor in Medicine from the University of Buenos Aires (UBA), where she also worked as a professor in the field of Neurosurgery, Dr. Alejandra has built a respectable career as a researcher, being head of the Neurosurgery Division of the Instituto de Investigaciones Médicas Alfredo Lanari (UBA) and a member holder of the Colegio Argentino de Neurocirujanos (CANC) and the Asociación Argentina de Neurocirugía (AANC).

As a great partner of Snola, she was active and participative, collaborating with several satellite events and congresses, contributing to the scientific strengthening of the specialty in Latin America.

We are very sorry for her passing and send our condolences to her family and many friends. Dr. Alejandra Rabadán's legacy will continue to be respectfully remembered by all of us

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